My office work is back, 1st-16th July!
My friend constance stepped down as she had another job which has clashing working hours, thus i had to take it up for her. Thanks xiaobao!:DD
I have just applied for Lasalle scholarship this afternoon. Hell, i didn't know Lasalle could be that quiet and eerie during the vacations. Not even a single soul in the practice rooms! Mm. I didn't score very well for my first year in Lasalle, was quite disappointed when i received my results a few wks back. But, heck, i went ahead for the scholarship application. It won't kill to try, who knows if i will get it. Let's pray hard!(:
New collection up for my friend's blogshop! The 3rd collection!
Oh! Speaking of her, Wah Yi Xin, i shall specially thank you here in my blog for helping me edit my scholarship essay. My english isn't up to your calibre. Oh, and i don't know what i should do to repay that! Perhaps, a treat or further publicise your blogshop? You tell me!((:
p/s: thank God, my stomach cramp was healed! it was crazyyy!!
1:48 AM
More updates are up for my friends' blogshop! :)
More collections up tmr at 8pm:
Ribbon & Pearl Collection now has new additions! Check it out at our website now!
10:41 AM
I was in the midst of writing my 500-words essay for Lasalle scholarship. I was finding for my previous ABRSM certificates, and as i flipped through the folder containing all my certificates, it was like a walk down the memory lane.
Looking across my ABRSM Grade 1 certificate, there was this certificate i had when i was in primary 3 called "Flying Pages". It reminded me of the times i used to had with my mom, searching frantically for books to read in the library. I used to love reading books; all kinds of books, having once read 28 books in the June holidays when i was primary 2.
Then, i remembered how much fun i'd in my kindergarden; Fairfield Methodist Church Kindergarden, to be precise. I remembered the very moment that i almost couldn't make it through to my primary education. Born a little slower than the others(including my siblings), i was intially quite left-out as people thought that i was a mentally-retard child. I was dumped(or rather "ditched", if that sounds less harsh) by my very first piano teacher. I will never forget her last words before dumping me. "I don't wish to teach you anymore. You're too lousy to learn piano and play it well." Well, i'm not quite sure if that's the exact words she told me about 10 years back when i was a mere 8 years old kid, but i'm very certain that was what she wanted to voice out.
At first sight, whoever knows about my childhood would say things like "Oh, that sucks man!" or "What!? That's your childhood?!" Yes, it's definitely very pitiful how things don't work out for me ever since i was a kid. But, then, thinking about it, i'm very glad and grateful for the people who carried and pushed me on whenever i was faced with a setback. Going from strengths to strengths, i'm pleased that i've came this far! :)
Hoo, that was sure quite a lot of recollection! Now, back to my essay! May God bless me for the scholarship application, amen!:D
p/s: the song in my blog has been changed to "Somewhere In Time" played by my idol pianist Maksim Mrvica. Good music makes one cry!:DD
12:13 PM
Just reached home! I'm not gonna blog much, have to wake up in the wee hours tmr to join my parents and brother for workout at the stadium.
As usual, I visited my grandparents over e wkends. played with my niece for most of the time. she's smart, cute and very fun to play with. haha! she reminds me of my childhood days. all the fun and playful times i'd with my siblings! oh, and of course, those naughty times when we fought and quarrelled. I had so much fun playing with my niece today, made her laughed and smiled for most of the time. I'm very grateful to have such a nice niece, and it feels good to be able to relieve her boredom esp when she has no one else to play with. (:
Oh yess, bought two Ben&Jerry tubs today!! Chocolate Fudge Brownie for my brother and Chunky Monkey for myself! lovesss.
i used to seek solace.
in your arms.
not anymore.
10:28 PM
It's been some time since i last listened to my itunes playlist titled "Celine Dion". And, the very first song has already touched me. It's called "I'm Your Angel". Thus, i've uploaded it in my blog here on the left panel under "Delicate Serenade". ((:
No Mountains too high, for you to climb
All you have to do is have some climbing faith, oh yeah
No rivers too wide, for you to make it across
All you have to do is believe it when you pray
And then you will see, the morning will come
And everyday will be bright as the sun
All of your fears cast them on me
I just want you to see...
I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel
I saw the teardrops, and I heard you cry
All you need is time, seek me and you shall find
You have everything and you're still lonely
It doesn't have to be this way, let me show you a better day
And then you will see, the morning will come
And all of your days will be bright as the sun
So all of your fears, just cast them on me
How can I make you see...
I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel
And when it's time to face the storm
I'll be right by your side
Grace will keep up safe and warm
And I know we will survive
And when it seems as if your end is drawing near
Don't you dare give up the fight
Just put your trust beyond the sky...
I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel
12:15 AM
I ain't gonna talk much about my practices in this post. My practices are progressing well, gonna master the Flight of the Bumblebee piece quite soon. For now, i'm gradually increasing the speed of the piece. Super fun!:)
Almost 3 weeks have gone by ever since World Cup started, hell i'm depriving of sleep due to the midnight matches. But, since it's a once-every-4-years event, i'd say it's quite worth it! With the likes of Brazil, Argentina, Holland, England already booked their places in the knockout stages, i can't wait to sacrifice my sleep for the World Cup. Also, i'd say South Korea is one of the surprise packages who also booked their place in the knockout stages! This World Cup 2010 is seriously packed with lots of surprises. France was among the first few countries being knocked out of the World Cup. With only one point out of the possible nine in the groupstage, France had underperformed very badly under the heavily-criticised coach Raymond Domenech. I'd say Raymond Domenech should've been sacked after France's dismal performance in the Euro '08 in which they've scored only a goal throughout the whole tournament. I can't see how France is going to win World Cup with so much of instability among the whole squad. Fancy looking at Raymond Domenech not including star players lke Sami Nasri, Benzema, and not even including Theirry Henry into the line-up for all 3 groupstage matches, i'm not surprised at all that France was knocked out of the World Cup.
France, being one of the powerhouses, got knocked out of World Cup. The next powerhouse to be knocked out would be Italy. With old and aging players like Fabio Cannavaro, Pirlo, Gattuso in the squad, i'm doubting Italy will be good enough to get through the groupstages. Need not say winning the World Cup.
Alright, enough of the World Cup for now. Here's two blogshops done by two of my schoolmates; 1st: Eva, 2nd: Yixin, do check it out!
Sales at Cheap and Affordable prices!((:
i guess.
i'm gonna.
that faith.
i had.
in you.
2:05 AM
World Cup 2010! I've been into some of the matches that i'm starting to lose sleeps and practices. Nevertheless, it's an event held once every 4 years so i guess it will be worth it to a certain extent.=)
So far, i feel the favourites are still the powerhouses Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Holland, Spain and England. However, after watching most of their first group matches, i'd say Germany, Argentina, Brazil and Holland didn't let my hopes down. England's first match was fine except for that outrageous blunder by Robert Green. The worse let-down out of all the powerhouses would be Spain. Having going through their qualification groupstages with straight wins, i'd high hopes in Spain winning comfortably over an unconvinced Switzerland. After weeks of anticipation and watching the whole match, i was rather shocked and surprised at how they succumbed to an outfit in Switzerland especially when they've got a team full of star players in Casillas, Puyol, Sergio Ramos, Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas, Torres, David Villa; just naming a few. I hope England and Spain will really get their butts kicking for their second group matches!
Recently, i'm into two songs by City Harvest Church(aka: CHC); "Above All Else" and "God of my Forever". Despite all the recent criticism about CHC, i'd still no doubt agree that their worship songs jare super nice and awesome. After a little search in youtube about the song "God of my Forever", i came across this comment by LizardAndPretzelRawk:
2:22 AM
It's past one month since i've last finished my first year exams. That was e last time i saw most of my pals. Summer holidays. 3 months of holidays. 3 dreadful months. I've lost contacts with most of my friends, both international and local friends. Yet, i've made quite a few new friends in Valerie and Belle.(:
One plus month of my holis are gone. mm, i'd say i'm not quite pleased with my progress, ought to be doing and practicing more. More and more of em! Looking on the upside, i'm close to mastering the piece Flight of the Bumblebee, the only thing left to do is speed it up.(:
Recently, i read one of my friend's blog post. The title wrote "LOVE". "LOVE"; a simple 4-letter word yet so seductive. it's been some time since i last heard anything about love and relationships. well, truth be told, when it comes to these stuffs, i'd tend to digress a little and ignore it. Call me shy, timid, or whatever you say. Unless i know that it will truly work out altogether between both of us, i'll try to keep a distance away from relationships. Through personal experiences, i know it will always be hard for me to escape once i'm down the love trap. Add onto that, i'm a musician who no matter what will need to express emotions in his playing. I'm not quite sure who told me this, but this quote is very meaningful and true;
Speaking of relationships, i can't be any less pleased and grateful for having my black-white girlfriend. She never fails to provide me with love, music and ever-lasting passion!:DD
1:43 AM
Thank God! I've finally finished perfing back in my high sch!Truth be told, it wasn't really something i've expected. well, i'm speaking more on the negative side.
Firstly, it wasn't really planned well. The performers themselves had to do the labour works ourselves such as setting up stuffs(eg: pushing and carrying the piano to the performance space). That, i'm fine with that. Then, there are last-minute conflicts between participants(one wants to use their own sound system and another wants to use theirs). It was crappy!
Then, secondly, i was asked to perform as an introduction/prelude whereas i'll be playing my own music whilst the people entered the hall. I'm fine with it, as long as i get to play music for the others to appreciate. But, then, the most pissed off thing they did was to stop me when i was playing the climax of a piece. That teacher said "Hey, the VIP is here. You've to stop!". I was quite shocked initially. It was totally not planned! Plus, that simply shows that most people in Singapore don't appreciate music at all. trying thinking of a famous pianist/guitarist/violinist/etc from Singapore.. ..
Worse, i didn't have a goodnight sleep the night before because i was looking forward and anticipating the whole event soo muchh. Well, look at the positive, i'm grateful that i managed to get through the day. Due to the lack of sleep, by the time my 2nd perf came, i was totally shagged that i was overwhelmed by dizziness and nausea. But, thank God, i managed to get through the day.(: Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to perf back in my high sch, glad to meet up with my high sch teachers!((:
So much of the 3 hours of sleep i'd that night, i guess i won't be holding myself back for longer beauty sleeps for the next couple of days. thus, it will be some time before my long practices kick in again.
11:54 PM
Went to get my sibelius program and have a short rehearsal back in my high sch for this sat's performance, ohh..i simply can't wait for it esp that i'll be the first perfmer that night. woohoo!
Today's hit was my sibelius program!!:DDD
Hell, it costs a bomb at $760! Thank god, i'm a student, or i'll be paying up to $895. well, the good thing is that the sibelius is the most updated version and i won't need to travel all e way to bedok just to use my friend's sibelius to compose.

look at that pricetag!

2 thick books(reference book and handbook) plus 1 handout and 1 cd.
that explains the weight of that box.

12:43 AM
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die. [x3]
/pray that my bro will get well real sooooon.. it's been almost a week!:(
10:58 PM
It's almost a month since my holis started after my last paper in May. Hell, i still feel that there are stuffs not yet fulfilled or done.
- Need more practice.
- Need to go take up driving tests.
- Need to do and help more in my family, not helping enough.
"More than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well" [Matthew 6:33]
"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" [Mark 11:24]
Meaningful quotes! Upon reflection, i feel that both quotes share quite the same bottom-line. One has to appreciate what he has got in his hands and be grateful for that, and he will be rewarded with better things. Without any grace in one, he will never be able to succeed. Most importantly, one has to have faith himself and be grateful. Applying that, i'd say that i'm already starting to count my blessings; from being specially born on the same date as jesus, to being born in such luxurious environment. And, barely halfway through the countings, i know that the blessings i've got are wayyyy beyond the horizons of my mind. Let's say, even if i wasn't soo blessed with soo much blessings, those blessings don't make much difference anyway. What's the worth of those blessings without that faith deep down in your heart.
Put aside those flaws and weaknesses.
That undying faith, is your greatest power!
12:57 AM